For most Bible readers, Revelation is a riddle that fascinates and frustrates. The last book of our Bibles has inspired countless commentaries, prophecy charts, and dissertations, but it is rarely read or preached in many churches. I regularly teach and write on Revelation and recently published All Things New: Revelation as Canonical Capstone. Here are […]
Christmas offers a strange combination of shallow consumerism and sublime celebration. It has a unique position as both cherished Christian holiday and major cultural festivity. Macy’s proclaims good news of great toys for all children who bring their hopes and dreams (and their parents’ credit cards) to SantaLand. Yet Christians for generations have celebrated “Advent” […]
I began teaching full-time at Bethlehem College & Seminary in 2009, the year my oldest son was born. Recently he said to me: “Dad, I totally want to go to BCS! It’s a good Christian school, with great teachers and a great president … and you work there.” Having completed all requirements for the second […]
Kristin Tabb, along with her husband BCS Assitant Dean Brian Tabb, describe three big reasons for women to study at BCS.
Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies Brian Tabb has published a new book review in the journal Themelios on the festschrift Reading Acts Today: Essays in Honour of Loveday C. A. Alexander.