When: Thursday, May 11, 2017 7:00 p.m
Where: Downtown Campus, Room 318
Attendees: Students, Faculty, Church Members, Contributors, Employers, Employees
Who: Dr. David Kotter, Dean and Professor of New Testament Studies, Colorado Christian University School of Theology
What: In this second lecture in Bethlehem College & Seminary’s Commerce and Vocation Series, Dr. Kotter will join us to discuss how the Bible gives wisdom and a foundation for all decision-making, including in vocational enterprises.
Dr. David Kotter formerly taught graduate economics, finance, and global business for Indiana Wesleyan University at the campus in Louisville, Kentucky. Professionally, he worked for Ford Motor Company as the finance director of a manufacturing plant in Europe, as a financial analyst at the world headquarters in Michigan, and as a financial advocate for the minority supply base. After attending seminary later in life, he was invited to be one of the founding pastors of CrossWay Community Church and by God’s grace saw the church grow from under eighty people to over eight hundred.