Pastoral Resident


Calvary Church

Moorhead, MN United States

Residency Overview:
The aim of the Pastoral Residency at Calvary Church is to provide practical pastoral experience in
a church environment (working with an Elder board, shepherding church members, training disciples,
visiting the sick, praying, preaching, etc.) The Resident will be mentored by the Senior Pastor,
the team of elders, and a host of other ministry leaders. The program will last 2 years with the
hopes of helping to launch our residents into full time positions with more experience, more
confidence, and a bigger support network. It is a full-time paid position.
• An active and growing relationship with Jesus Christ
• Meet the Qualifications of an Elder (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9)
• Must have a calling to serve as a Lead or Solo Pastor
• Must agree with the doctrinal statement of Calvary Church
• Must show signs of Christian maturity: moral character, humility, teachability, etc…
• Must have a bachelor’s degree, and strongly prefer a seminary degree
• Meet with the Senior Pastor regularly
• Help carry and implement the church vision
• Regularly attend elder and trustee meetings, and other committee meetings as necessary
• Build discipleship relationships within the church and community
• Participate in the shepherding plan of the Elder board
• Assist in the building of a preaching calendar and preach regularly
This is a full time paid position with benefits.
For more information about Calvary or the Pastoral Residency, please contact Pastor Ben Killerlain

For more information about Calvary or the Pastoral Residency,
please contact Pastor Ben Killerlain

Handout: Pastoral-Resident-Job-Description-1.pdf