With another election coming up in just a few days, it’s important to put it into its proper perspective. No matter who you’re going to vote for, it’s critical to remember that elections do not ultimately determine our future—God and God alone holds that power. We should by all means participate in the democratic process […]
In a recent web article, Christianity Today highlighted the story of Leah Sharibu, a fifteen-year-old Nigerian girl who, along with 111 other female students at Government Girls’ Science and Technical College Dapchi, was abducted by Boko Haram back in February. Today, eight months later, Sharibu is the only Dapchi girl still in captivity. Six of […]
At Bethlehem College & Seminary, we celebrate that we have an all-sovereign, all-satisfying Triune God. In pain or pleasure, he is working out his purposes for his glory and the good of his people. What peace and what hope we have in knowing that the all-powerful, all-good God is for us in Christ, will right […]
Praise God, the current senior class in the college’s cross-cultural ministry concentration (BATS-CCM) is the largest one we’ve had yet! Joining them are new juniors in the concentration, so that there are now more BATS-CCM students total than at any time before in the brief history of the program. We have 4 women and 9 […]
I spent last semester with John Calvin. That is, during the Spring semester, I had the privilege of reading Calvin’s Institutes and teaching a course on the book to twenty-two Bethlehem College & Seminary undergraduates. It was wonderful. Teaching a course on Calvin is no small task. The Swiss theologian, Karl Barth, after teaching just […]
But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word. Isaiah 66:2b In an era of ever-increasing contentiousness and divisiveness—even among Christians—this amazing verse from the book of Isaiah is clear, straight-forward, and true. Feelings and attitudes of self- righteousness abound in […]
Who embraces all of the following? We will uphold and cherish the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. We will remain faithful to Jesus Christ and Him crucified. In all our curricula, at all levels, we desire that the Scriptures not merely be a silent foundation, but a salient and saturating presence, governing our […]
Seeking true wisdom leads to true happiness. This is a very old and very Christian truth. Boëthius, a Christian living in the 5th–6th century AD, wrote a very influential book called The Consolation of Philosophy while awaiting execution on death row. Not a typical martyr, historical evidence suggests that Boëthius was there on trumped up […]
“Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you…” (ESV). The love of God for us in Christ is rich and lavish. God’s love is costly, not cheap. It is plentiful, not stingy. As the hymn says, it is “…vast, unmeasured, boundless free.” […]