Author Archives: Leah Bruneau

“Music Leader” and “Worship Pastor:” What’s the Difference?

What do you call the person (besides the preacher) who is upfront for most of your church’s Sunday morning service? Let’s consider two descriptions—“music leader” and “worship pastor”—as two different ways of leading God’s people in corporate worship. MUSIC LEADERS A “music leader,” as I am using the term, is a musician who is recognized […]

Preparing for the Class of 2021…and 2031

I began teaching full-time at Bethlehem College & Seminary in 2009, the year my oldest son was born. Recently he said to me: “Dad, I totally want to go to BCS! It’s a good Christian school, with great teachers and a great president … and you work there.” Having completed all requirements for the second […]

Support for New Seminarians from El Salvador and Myanmar

The Alex Steddom International Student Fund was established last year as a vehicle for supporting the extraordinary financial needs of new international students at Bethlehem College & Seminary. These seminary students apply from all over the world expressing earnest gospel ambition for their native countries and people groups. Last year, we started by praying toward […]

Our Weakness Shows God’s Strength

As an instructor at Bethlehem College & Seminary, I am constantly amazed at the Lord’s work in the lives of students to prepare them for life-long ministry. I’m not just talking about the 18-year-old freshman who come to the school wide-eyed and bushy-tailed. I’m also talking about the 54-year-old seminary student, or better yet, the […]

The Same Army as Elisha

I’m in Washington, DC as I write this letter.  Being here is a vivid reminder of the absolute sovereignty of God over all things.  All around me are the buildings and people and leaders of the most powerful nation in modern history.  The decisions that are made within these very impressive buildings have repercussions that […]

The Lutherhaus

This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Half a century ago, in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his ninety-five theses to the castle-church door in Wittenberg, which kicked off the modern Protestant movement that, among other things, clarified the gospel and helped to get the Bible into people’s everyday vernacular. To mark this […]

The Lord is Listening

God is not required to hear us. And the fact that he chooses to hear our voices and hearts should fill us with faith. There are several reasons why we might not hear when someone calls to us. Perhaps there is something wrong with our ears. My children often wonder if, after decades of performing […]

Commencement Ceremony 2017 Videos

Bethlehem College & Seminary 2017 Commencement Ceremony   Chancellor John Piper | Commencement Address College Graduate Daniel Simmons | Student Testimony Seminary Graduate Gregory Morse | Student Testimony Associate Professor Jason Meyer | Commencement Charge Full Ceremony  

Memorial Day: Remembering Noble Sacrifices

Dear Friends, my prayer letter this week is a bit of a departure from the normal prayer letter.  This one is more personal and is a reflection on the meaning of Memorial Day.  Surprisingly, Memorial Day has become somewhat controversial.  There are those on the Religious Left who disapprove of this day because it celebrates […]

The Impact of Good Shepherd Pharmacy

I left commencement in 2016 with strong desires for a lot of good things: more schooling, more opportunities to teach, and more involvement in my local church. It says a lot about Bethlehem College & Seminary that at the conclusion of one degree I was jealous to start another. What I was not considering– new […]