Author Archives: Leah Bruneau

New Ministry Opportunities

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you! First, I would like to give you a short update of what the Lord has been doing in our lives during this last year. Earlier this May, Bethlehem Baptist Church voted to transition me from a Pastoral Resident position to a full pastoral staff position […]

The Indispensable Wrath of God

“God is a god of love, not of wrath!” — “God’s not mad at you; He’s mad about you!” Perhaps you’ve heard statements similar to these. In our current cultural moment, it’s easy to see why these sentiments are so appealing. Man, in an effort to justify his preferences, lifestyle, or actions, has redefined both […]

Jars of Clay

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. […]

For the Sake of the Gospel

This past academic year has been fruitful for me. I am finally able to read Hebrew! Thanks to Dr. Beckman, a few sleepless nights, and a whole lot of coffee. I am sure that the Biblical languages that the professors at Bethlehem taught me will serve the church well when I enter the ministry. I […]

The Need for Reformed Theological Education in India

  God is at work in India. People in India are getting saved, discipled, trained, and commissioned to serve, even as you read this. Godly men pour themselves into the lives of aspiring men producing future pastors. With limited training and resources available to the church, our unlimited God is at work. We ourselves are part […]

The Grand Canyon, Noah’s Flood, and Jesus’ Return

Recently I was given the opportunity to raft through a part of the Grand Canyon. For several days those of us on the rafting trip were amazed and astonished as every bend of the river provided us with fresh vistas of the canyon walls, its layers, and the powerful Colorado River. One of my favorite […]

From Cameroon to Minnesota

My wife Ajenie, Noah my son, and I are counting few days to when we will be leaving Cameroon for Minnesota. I have completed my M.Div. program at Bethlehem Yaoundé. Presently, I am looking forward to pursuing a one year Th.M. in Minnesota thanks to the Alex Steddom Scholarship! I am coming to Minnesota to […]

Magnifying the Mountain-Maker

“The truth of creation should stop us in our tracks, fill us with awe and wonder, humble us, and drop us to our knees,” writes Paul Tripp. Few places fill my heart with reverent awe and glad amazement like the Rocky Mountains. Estes Park, Colorado has been a special place for my family for generations. […]

Alex Steddom International Student Fund

Summer is the season during which we plead for God’s help and yours in replenishing funds on hand to support The Alex Steddom International Student Fund. These funds are used to support the tuition and extraordinary living expenses for select seminarians who have come from theologically famished regions of the world and who desire to return […]

Make a Gift of a Student

The returns are in. By God’s grace, Bethlehem College and Seminary has reached its goal of raising $2.5 million annually in support of The Serious Joy Scholarship. This is the financial instrument that enables our students to receive a Bible-saturated, academically rigorous “Education in Serious Joy” then launch immediately into life, vocation, and ministry without […]