Blog Archives

Using the Resources That You Have

For some of my Greek classes at Bethlehem College & Seminary, I require the students to paraphrase a passage after they translate it and trace its argument. Continue to read

We Want You To Know…

As we pass the ¾ mark of the fall semester, we want you to know something. Continue to read

Ending the Year Well

We have come through perhaps the most exciting and challenging period in our brief history as a school these past two months. Continue to read

Making Christ Known and Loved

At Bethlehem College & Seminary, we care deeply about spreading a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ. Continue to read

Praying for Strangers

I’m sure you’ve had an experience like this at church or in your small group: A friend requests that you pray for her cousin’s neighbor’s best friend who is “going through a difficult time.” Continue to read

Update on Accreditation

The Association of Higher Biblical Education (ABHE) accreditation visit team left on October 10th, and they have given us their preliminary assessment of our institution. Continue to read

The Call to Eldership

“For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.”—Mark 8:35. Continue to read

Flesh and Spirit

The New Testament writers frequently contrast flesh (Greek sarx) and Spirit/spirit (Greek pneuma). But the contrasts are not all the same. It may be helpful to distinguish ten different contrasts (though some of them overlap).

Desiring God 2015 Conference for Pastors

Find out more about this year’s Desiring God Conference for Pastors in partnership with Bethlehem College & Seminary.

Planting the Seed of the Word …

We are not merely to understand God, but to love him with all our minds. Continue to read