Blog Archives

Expressing Truth

On May 16, 2014, Bethlehem College & Seminary celebrated its second full commencement exercises with Chancellor John Piper as the keynote speaker. Watch the video …

No Ordinary Joe

It could be one of those, “You had to be there,” situations, but let me try do my best with words to let you share in the blessing I received. Continue to read …

Rob Bradshaw Interviews Andy Naselli

Rob Bradshaw from interviews Andy Naselli, Assistant Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology, about Bethlehem College & Seminary and what we have to offer.

Special Message from Chancellor John Piper

We hope to impact these students at such a depth that year after year we are turning out pastors and other life-shapers whose influence on the life of the God’s people and the world is significant.

Plowing into the Text

We are excited to have Chancellor John Piper back this fall. Hear his heart as he looks forward to teaching students and enjoying the faculty camaraderie.

Standing Firm in the Armor of God

The Bible is filled with battle imagery. Throughout the Old Testament the battles are mostly literal, but in the New Testament they are mostly metaphorical. Continue to read …

Equipped to Spread

My education at Bethlehem College & Seminary was phenomenal. It taught me to treasure God and his Word by tracing the thoughts of biblical authors after them and to then communicate those thoughts with others.

Sinner in the Hands of a Patient God

It is a familiar snark heard among the young, restless Reformed, one used to discredit the lack of legitimate credit that modern educators assign one of early America’s greatest intellects. I have heard it often. I even have said it often, claiming it as my own experience. 

The Province of Joy

I have always loved music. I grew up with it all around me. My family was a singing family, and music played a significant role in our daily lives. I was the least talented among my family members, but it mattered little as we have all participated in and enjoyed music through our lives. 

Help Crowdsource Scholarships

Please consider this special Prayer Letter request personally and, if you will, then share it with your social network via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ such that, together, we can extend the reach of this expression of need.