Blog Archives

DeRouchie Articulates the Lasting Message of Deuteronomy for the Church

In a recent paper presented to the Evangelical Theological Society, our Associate Professor of Old Testament, Jason DeRouchie, attempted to articulate why Deuteronomy was one of the NT author’s favorite books, and why Moses and Paul both could have affirmed that the law given to Israel was the “embodiment of knowledge and truth” (Rom 2:20)—”holy and righteous and good” (Rom 7:12)—and yet also “not of faith” (Gal 3:12). DeRouchie is committed to helping ministers rightly handle the Old Testament, and this paper, titled “The Pursuit of Lasting Covenant Relationship: A Summary of Deuteronomy’s Theology,” was an attempt toward this end.

Thanksgiving to God from Our Students

I am thankful to God for bringing me to a church-based seminary that has faculty that treasures Jesus in their life, that prays for their students, and models Christ-like humility while challenging me to rigorous academic standards. And for my new daughter born on 9/11. (Steven)

An Evening of Eschatology

The audio and video from the recent “Evening of Eschatology” is now available. Bethlehem College & Seminary provides links to Desiring God’s audio and video as well as providing book recommendations from the authors.

Praying for Seminary

A dear friend of Bethlehem College & Seminary writes a blog about Bethlehem Baptist Church‘s disability ministry. He recently wrote a post about praying for colleges and seminaries. You can read his post here.

Inaugural Year 2009-2010

Please thank the Lord with us for His remarkable provisions for BCS in our inaugural year. We opened our doors to 78 students across all of our programs (35 graduate students and 43 undergraduates). These students have come from all across the US and some also from other countries. Please pray for them as they begin their studies at BCS!

Support Bethlehem College & Seminary

Our hope is that you, if you are excited about the vision of BCS, would partner with us in prayer. First and foremost we need the guiding hand of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will accomplish all things for us. As you pray, please seek the Lord to see if you might be led to also support us financially.

A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew

Yesterday, July 1, B & H Academic published A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew, authored by Duane Garrett and Jason DeRouchie. Jason, the new Associate Professor of Old Testament at Bethlehem College & Seminary, has been working for several years on this grammar.

Graduation Celebration Address

Dr. Jason DeRouchie spoke at the Graduation Celebration following the Saturday, May 16, 2009 graduation for Northwestern College. Jason offers his speech as a challenge to graduates.

Follow-up to Jason DeRouchie’s Sermon

Dr. Jason DeRouchie has followed up his recent sermon with an article on “The Old Testament Background to the Gospel Light Described in 1 John 2:7-14.”

Jason DeRouchie Delivers Sermon at Bethlehem

Bethlehem College & Seminary’s incoming Associate Professor of Old Testament, Jason DeRouchie, preached at Bethlehem Baptist Church’s downtown campus on Saturday and Sunday, March 20-21, 2009. Read the sermon manuscript. Listen to the audio.