Blog Archives

Preparation for Ministry in a Fallen World

I know a good number of people who have already dealt with the challenges of caring for aging parents. It can be very difficult—especially if there are severe physical limitations or if dementia is one of the causes of the need for care. I have observed these dear friends and relatives carry out one of the most demanding, yet profound, acts of love a person can offer to his or her parents.

Happy Thanksgiving


All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.

Promised Beforehand

Faster. This little word ranks among the chief values of our society. We want our food faster, our internet downloads faster, our money to transfer faster.

Student Spotlight | Josh McCarthy

Josh McCarthy tells the story of his experience at Bethlehem College.

Serious Joy Newsletter: 2015 No. 3

The Fall 2015 edition of Serious Joy highlights “The Endearing Qualities of an Undergraduate Upstart,” including Bethlehem’s Four-Year Approach to Abbreviating Adolescence and The Bethlehem Habits of Mind and Heart.

Martin Luther and the Freedom of the Christian

Tuesday, November 10 marked the 532nd birthday of Martin Luther (1483–1546). Our undergraduate curriculum is fortuitously arranged such that the sophomore students read Luther every fall just after the date that, nearly 500 years ago, he tipped the Roman church down the steepening slope towards reformation.

Biblical Studies, Church History, and Cross-Cultural Ministry

After my conversion to Christ in 1994, I gravitated toward books about biblical studies, hermeneutics, and theology, especially after my wife, Susan, and I joined Bethlehem Baptist Church in 1998.

Teaching Is Higher Than Education

The church is often credited with establishing the first universities, institutions of higher learning, like the University of Bologna, founded in 1088, and smaller cathedral and monastic schools dating back as far as the 6th century. 

Our Commitment to Spread a Passion for Christ

We are in the midst of our Global Focus at Bethlehem Baptist Church. Beyond the normal responsibilities of our faculty (teaching, mentoring, grading, etc.), many are engaging in the ministry of the Word at Bethlehem and beyond.

A Satisfying Sabbatical

My entire family is deeply humbled and grateful to God and to Bethlehem College & Seminary for the amazing gift of a research sabbatical from January–July 2015.