Category Archives: Jobs

College Ministry Director

Faith Church
Fort Collins, CO USA

Full Time Solo Pastor

Springfield Mennonite Church
Coopersburg, Pennsylvania 

Solo Pastor

Zion Community Church
Wilmot, SD USA

Pastoral Resident

Pepperell Christian Fellowship
Pepperell, MA USA

Pastor to Families and Students

First Baptist Church, Jackson TN
Jackson, TN USA

Associate Pastor – full time

Zion Evangelical & Reformed Church
Garner, Iowa United States

Pastor of Missions and Outreach

Femont Evangelical Free Church
Fremont, NE United States

Minister of Music

Soldotna Bible Chapel
Soldotna, AK USA

Uncommon Virtues

Our chapel theme this semester at Bethlehem College & Seminary is “Uncommon Virtues.” In many ways, it flows from last semester’s theme “Abide in Jesus.” Last fall I defined “abiding in Jesus” as a long-standing orientation to Jesus marked by a conscious sense of dependence and need for Jesus, drawing strength and nourishment from the […]

None of This, and Only That

Sometimes, the Bible forbids one thing and demands something else in its stead. None of this, and only that. None of what? And instead of it, only what? Here is an example from Paul in Ephesians 4:29. None of this: corrupting talk. And only what? Only such as is good for building up, as fits […]