Category Archives: Prayer Letter

Sobering News, Happy News, and Two Huge Requests

  Sobering News “You have an ugly growth on your Pancreas. I don’t think it’s cancer, but it’s on the way to cancer. Your pancreas is a mess. I want you to talk to the surgeon.” In the next few weeks, I will sit down with the surgeon the and finalize a plan. To be […]

Patterns of Biblical Reasoning

When we struggle to understand the Bible it can be helpful if we are able to discern patterns of biblical reasoning. Such patterns do not prove any one interpretation, but they may add weight or clarity to an interpretation. 1 Corinthians 7 is a challenging passage that has resulted in significant disagreement in the church: […]

Unity in the Family of God

A popular topic for discussion and focus of attention and energy today is that of “unity.”  In the Bible, there are many passages that speak of this, and our passage for today is one of the most important in this regard.  Thousands of sermons have been preached, and books written, on the subject of unity.  […]

Let the Faithful Man Seize a Plow

Let the faithful man seize a plow with oxen so that he may, nevertheless, look at God who gives greenness and fruit to the earth; and let him walk according to the commands of his master so that, cultivating earthly things, he does not desert heavenly things. ~ Hildegard of Bingen (LVM IV.76)   John […]

Stoking Steddom

LET THE NATIONS BE GLAD AND SING FOR JOY, FOR YOU JUDGE THE PEOPLES WITH EQUITY AND GUIDE THE NATIONS UPON EARTH. –Psalm 67:4 ESV This will be our final appeal this year for gifts to The Alex Steddom International Student Fund. This fund enables men from theologically famished regions of the world to study at Bethlehem Seminary, then return […]

Jars of Clay

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. […]

For the Sake of the Gospel

This past academic year has been fruitful for me. I am finally able to read Hebrew! Thanks to Dr. Beckman, a few sleepless nights, and a whole lot of coffee. I am sure that the Biblical languages that the professors at Bethlehem taught me will serve the church well when I enter the ministry. I […]

The Need for Reformed Theological Education in India

  God is at work in India. People in India are getting saved, discipled, trained, and commissioned to serve, even as you read this. Godly men pour themselves into the lives of aspiring men producing future pastors. With limited training and resources available to the church, our unlimited God is at work. We ourselves are part […]

The Grand Canyon, Noah’s Flood, and Jesus’ Return

Recently I was given the opportunity to raft through a part of the Grand Canyon. For several days those of us on the rafting trip were amazed and astonished as every bend of the river provided us with fresh vistas of the canyon walls, its layers, and the powerful Colorado River. One of my favorite […]

From Cameroon to Minnesota

My wife Ajenie, Noah my son, and I are counting few days to when we will be leaving Cameroon for Minnesota. I have completed my M.Div. program at Bethlehem Yaoundé. Presently, I am looking forward to pursuing a one year Th.M. in Minnesota thanks to the Alex Steddom Scholarship! I am coming to Minnesota to […]