Category Archives: Uncategorized

To the Fullest

One of the great privileges and joys in my role as president of Bethlehem College & Seminary is the many opportunities I have to interact with so many like-minded, God-honoring people—students, faculty and staff, alumni, and donors among them. In all of these interactions, my aim is to encourage them in their walk with the […]

The Lens of God’s Providence

In All Circumstances

This week we celebrate Thanksgiving. It will likely be a holiday that we won’t soon forget as all of the restrictions of the pandemic continue to restrain us from our normal gatherings and activities. In fact, some of us may have a hard time thinking of what there is to give thanks for! And yet […]

The Sum of Your Usefulness

By now I hope you’ve received a copy of the Fall 2020 issue of the Serious Joy Newsletter. (You can read an electronic version here; if you’d like a print version, let us know—we’d be happy to send you one). This issue highlights our distinctive approach to seminary education as a pastoral apprenticeship and features […]

Run with Endurance

In high school, I learned a valuable lesson about the difference between know-how and know-of. I was part of the track team, and my coach asked me to fill in for a vacancy for the 400m race. My regular races were the 100m and 200m. I, of course, knew of the 400m race. I had […]

Forge and Fruition in Pastoral Apprenticeship

Pray to the Lord of the Harvest

In addition to serving as the Director of Admissions here at Bethlehem, I’m also working on a Master’s of Theology (Th.M.) degree, studying the educational efforts of 19th century Baptists. This month I’ve taken a deep dive into the Newton Theological Institution, founded in 1825 as the first Baptist seminary in the U.S. and for […]

An Important Layer of Your Praying for Bethlehem College & Seminary

We want to writ­e this prayer letter together, so we can give you­ an added layer to your prayers. The added layer is to pray that during each student’s time at Bethlehem College & Seminary deep relationships would be formed that have long-term Kingdom implications. However, many of you must be already praying for this—because […]

The Pursuit of Truth

We live in what seems to be a crazy, frenetic world. Behaviors, beliefs, norms, and morals all seem to be corrupted and distorted in ways that many of us have never experienced in our lifetimes.  But while these things may be new to us, they are not new to human history.  The strange, the bizarre, […]

Trustees Call New President

Dr. Joe Rigney to Assume Office in June   (Minneapolis) – – – Wednesday, September 23, 2020 – – – The Board of Trustees of Bethlehem College & Seminary has called Dr. Joseph James Rigney to be the institution’s 2nd President. In an announcement made today during the school’s weekly chapel meeting, Board Chairman Sam […]