

Grow as a disciple of Christ while studying our Sovereign God and Sacred Book in an in-person degree program that accommodates the demands of work and family.

God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in him. Spend the next two years relishing this great truth as you mine the treasures of the Bible in the company of a small band of brothers and sisters who desire, as you do, to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ and refine your witness to those around you.

You will learn in an extraordinarily small school where a tight-knit community of fellow students, professors, pastors, and church members shares a deep personal interest in your academic performance, spiritual growth, and equipping for gospel ministry in every sphere of life. But you won’t have to be a full-time student, at least in the sense that you won’t have to be on campus every day.

Still, you’ll be here in-person one evening a week where you will be challenged and pushed beyond your sense of your own abilities. You will cultivate a life-long learner’s habits of mind and heart as you are rigorously engaged to ensure that you are better able to stand firm and contend for the truth in the home, church, and world.

The Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies is designed to help working adults complete a once-started but unfinished undergraduate education by transferring as much previously earned academic credit as possible and then focusing the remaining degree work on biblical theology and Christian discipleship. The tuition rate for 2024–2025 is $250/credit.


  • Students will demonstrate the six habits of mind and heart in collegiate-level studies: observing accurately, understanding clearly, evaluating fairly, feeling in accord with the truth, applying wisely, and expressing winsomely.
  • Students will demonstrate basic proficiency in original language exegesis and evaluate and synthesize biblical truth in light of the unfolding story line of Scripture.
  • Students will understand and affirm historic Christian theology and gladly embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.
  • Students will provide evidence of maturing in Christian discipleship and preparation to serve Christ effectively in every sphere of life.
Year 1Credits
Biblical Theology 1: Old Testament Law and Former Prophets4
Biblical Theology 2: Old Testament Latter Prophets and Writings4
Beginning Greek 14
Elective Weekend Seminar3
Biblical Theology 3: New Testament4
Historical Theology4
Beginning Greek 24
Elective Weekend Seminar3
Summer Electives3/6

The Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies equips working adults with a strong grasp of the Bible’s unfolding storyline and a robust foundation in God-centered reformed theology. The tuition rate for 2024–2025 is $380/credit.


  • Students will demonstrate the six habits of mind and heart in graduate-level studies: observing accurately, understanding clearly, evaluating fairly, feeling in accord with the truth, applying wisely, and expressing winsomely.
  • Students will evaluate and synthesize biblical truth in light of the unfolding storyline of Scripture.
  • Students will understand, affirm, and articulate historic Christian theology and gladly embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.
  • Students will provide evidence of mature Christian discipleship and be prepared to serve Christ effectively in every sphere of life.
Courses (21 Credits Needed)Credits
Systematic Theology 1: God, Scripture, and Man3
Systematic Theology 2: Christ, the Spirit, and Salvation3
Systematic Theology 3: The Church and Last Things3
Biblical Theology 1: Old Testament Law and Former Prophets3
Biblical Theology 2: Old Testament Latter Prophets and Writings3
Biblical Theology 3: New Testament3
Historical Theology3
Principles of Biblical Interpretation3
Beginning Greek 13
Beginning Greek 23
Intermediate Greek3
Greek Exegesis3
Foundations of Christian Hedonism3
Foundations of Discipleship3
Foundations of Church Leadership3
Foundations of Christian Leadership3

The Master of Arts in Exegesis and Theology is a 42-credit, two year, one night a week graduate program for working adults, men and women, who are interested in gaining biblical Greek language skills and a better understanding of God-centered reformed theology. This program is not designed to build the foundations for pastoral ministry (i.e. preaching and counseling classes), but rather to encourage effective workplace ministry, flourishing family life, and more theologically minded pastors, ministry staffs, and missionaries. The tuition rate for 2024–2025 is $380/credit.


  • Students will demonstrate the six habits of mind and heart in graduate-level studies: observing accurately, understanding clearly, evaluating fairly, feeling in accord with the truth, applying wisely, and expressing winsomely.
  • Students will demonstrate proficiency in original language exegesis and evaluate and synthesize biblical truth in light of the unfolding story line of Scripture.
  • Students will understand, affirm, and articulate historic Christian theology and gladly embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.
  • Students will provide evidence of mature Christian discipleship and be prepared to serve Christ effectively in every sphere of life.
Year 1Credits
Biblical Theology 1: Old Testament Law and Former Prophets3
Biblical Theology 2: Old Testament Latter Prophets and Writings3
Beginning Greek 13
Elective Weekend Seminar3
Biblical Theology 3: New Testament3
Historical Theology3
Beginning Greek 23
Elective Weekend Seminar3
Summer Electives6


Every full-time seminary and college student receives a $10,000 Serious Joy Scholarship funded by generous givers.

Our aim is to enable students to pursue the Lord’s calling on their lives as soon after graduation as possible without the encumbrance of financial debt, which might otherwise delay their entry into full-time ministry.

Tuition Costs
B.A.$275/credit hour
M.A.$400/credit hour
Other Costs

Debt Freedom

Students can leave here without a burden of student loan debt. Tuition is unusually affordable because generous disciples of Christ affirm the quality of this “Education in Serious Joy” by providing a $10,000 annual Serious Joy Scholarship to undergraduate evening program students so that they may launch without debt into life and ministry upon graduation.