Minister of Music


Soldotna Bible Chapel

Soldotna, AK USA

Minister of Music

The Minister of Music provides leadership to the music ministry of Soldotna Bible Chapel. He is responsible for planning worship services in collaboration with the Senior Pastor and leading the congregation in worship in song. To this end the Minister of Music will select music which is suited to congregational singing and is rich in biblical truth from a variety of styles (traditional and contemporary). Besides shepherding the whole church family through the songs he selects, he will also shepherd them through the comments he makes during the service, and the Scripture readings he selects. He will give leadership to all instrumental and vocal musicians as well as those involved in sound, lighting, projection, video, and special music, and will have a shepherding role in their lives. Although proficiency in a particular instrument is not required it is preferred. He must have demonstrated musical ability so that he can equip instrumental and vocal musicians to use their talents with excellence, and help them grow in proficiency. He will be responsible for recruiting and training people to serve in the music ministry, for organizing special music services (e.g. Christmas and Good Friday), and for helping our church comply with copyright law.

The Minister of Music will be responsible to perform administrative tasks relevant to his ministry (such as filing, copying, and budgeting), and must be willing to serve in other ways that will help our small staff serve our church family, either using other areas of his giftedness and experience, or as directed by the Senior Pastor. He will be accountable to the council of elders and will report to the Senior Pastor.

1. Meet the qualifications outlined in 1 Tim 3:2-7 and Titus 1:6-9, with the exception that he need not have a gift of public teaching. If he is so gifted and has the time and desire, he will have the opportunity to fulfill a wider shepherding and teaching role, including serving as an elder.
2. Agree with the Soldotna Bible Chapel Statement of Faith.
3. Be able to articulate a biblical philosophy of music ministry.
4. Be an experienced leader who is committed to servant-leadership alongside a team of elders.
5. Have experience in leading and equipping musicians to facilitate congregational worship.
6. Communicate well with other staff and volunteers about status, needs, issues, and desires related to his ministries.
7. Have proficiency in church audio/visual technology and software.

The successful applicant will have at minimum a bachelors degree in an area of study relevant to the position, or at least 5 years of relevant music ministry experience. Experience in ministry is preferred but not required. This is a part-time, 20 hour/week position (but there are two ways we can see to achieve a full-time income, see below). The annual compensation will range from $36,000 to $50,000 depending on education and experience.

Full-time Income Options
• If the applicant also has good administrative, problem-solving, and technology skills, there is the possibility of this being a full-time, “Minister of Music and Administration” position, which would have an annual compensation range of $58,000 to $72,000.
• Two of the large home-schooling programs in our area provide significant government funding to parents to use for educational purposes such as music lessons, and we hear reports about limited availability of music teachers for certain instruments. That makes it realistic to think that generating additional income through private music instruction is a viable possibility.

About Soldotna Bible Chapel
Soldotna Bible Chapel ( is an independent, evangelical Bible church founded in 1964. We are a nondenominational congregation, self-governing, under the headship of Christ and the authority of the Word of God, and lead by a council of elders. We are known for expository preaching, teen and children’s ministry, robust fellowship and a zeal for missions. Soldotna Bible Chapel’s multigenerational congregation enjoys worship through hymns and newer songs. The focus in our services is on exalting God, not on creating an emotional experience. Yet, emotion is good when it is a response to songs that are theologically profound and musically beautiful. We are committed to the sufficiency of Scripture, and practice Biblical counseling. Our attendance averages around 400, and we operate debt-free. Our mission statement reads:

“Being committed to God’s inspired and authoritative Word, it is the mission of Soldotna Bible Chapel to exalt God in spirit and in truth, to edify and encourage one another to personal holiness, and to evangelize a lost world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

About our Area
• Soldotna lies 150 miles (by road) southwest of Anchorage with a population of approximately 4,500 people (35,000 people live within a 30-mile radius).
• Opportunities for outdoor activities abound and include fishing (the Kenai river is world-renowned for salmon fishing), hunting, hiking, skiing, golfing, snow-machining, four-wheeling, and more. See Soldotna Visitor Center:
• By Alaskan standards, the climate is moderate. The hottest month is July with a 64° average high. January is the coldest month with a 7° average low. On the longest day we have 19 hours 3 minutes of daylight (although the sun sets, it doesn’t become completely dark). On the shortest day, we get 5 hours and 43 minutes of daylight.
• The Central Peninsula Hospital provides excellent health care with new facilities and state-of-the-art equipment.
• The local economy relies primarily on tourism, fishing, and the oil industry, with the local school district and hospital among the city’s largest employers.
• Soldotna has enjoyed a growing number of national chain stores in addition to many smaller local businesses that contribute to the small-town feel.
• Multiple public and private schools serve the Central Peninsula as well as an abundance of extensive and dedicated home-schooling programs.

To apply, please send a resume, your salvation testimony, the doctrinal statement you subscribe to, your philosophy of ministry, and links to audio/video of you leading music (along with any questions) to

Handout: Minister-of-Music-Final.pdf