Blog Archives

Nick Roen

Nick Roen serves at South Cities Church as Pastor for Worship and Education.

Aaron Rothermel

Aaron Rothermel serves at The North Church as the Pastor for Children and Families.

Mike Schumann

Mike Schumann serves at Cities Church as a Pastor and the Director of Connections and Care.

Matt Strom

Matt Strom serves at Vine Church as an Associate Pastor.

Daniel Viezbicke

Daniel Viezbicke serves at South Cities Church as Pastor for Membership and Mobilization.

Aaron White

Aaron White serves at Redeemer Bible Church as Pastor for Teaching and Training.

Jason Wredberg

Jason Wredberg serves at Redeemer Bible Church as the Lead Pastor.

Dave Zuleger

Dave Zuleger serves at South Cities Church as Pastor for Preaching and Vision.

Sean Cordell

Sean is a pastor at Treasuring Christ Church. He is married to his wife Dana and they have four amazing kids. Sean loves Jesus and the University of Tennessee – Go Vols!

Sam Emadi

Sam Emadi serves as the Senior Pastor of Hunsinger Lane Baptist Church in Louisville KY where he lives with his wife Corrie Ann and four children. He is the author of From Prisoner to Prince: The Joseph Story in Biblical Theology as well as What Should I Do Now that I’m a Christian? And Who’s […]