Pure Pleasure: Teaching Video


The Lord Jesus Christ not only sets men free from the chocolate-covered chains of sexual sin, but he also out-satisfies sexual sin’s deceitful sweetness with his own infinite sweetness! Because of this glorious truth, we are compelled to share this valuable resource for your lasting freedom and joy in Christ Jesus. Pure Pleasure is not merely for men who desire freedom from sexual sin, but for all men who desire soul-satisfaction. It is not simply for men who are struggling with porn, but for all men who are striving for pleasure in God! So, whether you are losing the purity battle, winning the battle, have not yet entered the battle, or simply have a heart to help the men all around you who are in the thick of the battle, our ultimate hope and prayer is that every man will declare to the Lord from a satisfied heart … In your presence there is fullness of joy and at your right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11).

Let these six gospel-powered seminar sessions lift your affections as you receive the grace to fight pleasure with pleasure in the battle for sexual purity. Download the study guide.

  1. My Story, Your Story, and Our Story
  2. Freedom in the Gospel
  3. Fighting Pleasure With Pleasure
  4. Feast and Fences
  5. Fight the Good Fight
  6. F.I.G.H.T.: Practical Strategies