Our aim is to give students an intense immersion in a God-centered, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated local church that combines rigorous study with church-based application, all to the end that they might joyfully magnify the infinite worth of Jesus Christ, and live for the praise of God’s glory in reflection, thought, word, and deed.

College Programs

Graduate Ready to Witness for Christ with Wisdom and Wonder for the Rest of Your Life.

Here you will lean into reality, to have your eyes wide open in wonder at the world God has made, and that man has cultivated and adorned. Such a biblically grounded, missions-minded, liberal arts education—worked out in such a highly relational environment—will help you grow in wisdom and attune you to reality, so that you are ready and equipped to walk wide-eyed and joyfully in the world.

Seminary Programs

Graduate as a mature leader ready to shepherd God’s people with biblical clarity and Christ-exalting affection for the rest of your life.

Think of the Bethlehem Seminary Master of Divinity degree as rigorous, in-the-church training for elder-level leadership in pastoral ministry, missionary service, or future theological scholarship. Like medical students training in a hospital, or a journeyman learning a trade from a master, our seminarians are apprentices who are learning the art of pastoring from scholar-pastors and practitioners in the context of the local church. There is no better way to learn to shepherd than serving alongside faithful men as they keep watch over the souls of their people.

Evening Programs

Grow as a disciple of Christ while studying our Sovereign God and Sacred Book in an in-person degree program that accommodates the demands of work and family.

You are already committed to a vocational assignment, obligations to family, or even pastoral ministry that preclude your being able to navigate a schedule of daytime classes 9 to 5. Here’s your opportunity to finish that degree with the flexibility to accommodate your work and family commitments. Or maybe you lack the equipment to be more influential among “the priesthood of all believers.” This is your chance to gain mastery, from masterful professors, humbly submitted to the Master of All.

Every resident student receives the Serious Joy Scholarship.

Launch upon graduation into adulthood, life, ministry, and vocation without a burden of student loan debt—financially unshackled and ready to answer immediately God’s call on your life.

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