Great Muse of mythos, sing the haunting tune That lingers where the long-lost Tree of Life Has dropped her leaves—where, carried by the winds Of common grace and mercy long predestined, They long lie, forgotten by the earth Wherein they mold and rot, and richen soil Once quickened by the loving lungs of God. […]
We do what we do because we love what we love. What we love is significantly influenced by what we assume to be true. What we assume to be true is shaped by what we know. So it’s important to ask, “How do we know what we know?” Do we know what we need to […]
Conflicting thoughts in secret as her tool, She reserves righteous actions as our function; Softly contending every broken rule, A lofty beauty: Will and Conscience spied in junction. She often halts one’s compromise made vainly; But in the end Will’s boots have sharper spurs; Though on our hearts the law was written plainly, A dirty […]
Jonathon D. Woodyard (M. Div. ’16) has been named Dean of Admissions at Bethlehem College & Seminary. Woodyard will also become Assistant Professor of Theology and History, assuming both roles on May 1, 2021. “I can think of few people in the world better qualified to champion the purpose, scope, and benefits of a Bethlehem College […]
It is important to have a theology of mixture. I’m not saying a mixed-up theology. To have a theology of mixture in no way diminishes God. God is no mixture! He is present and working in the mixture. He is sovereign over the mixture. He has design for the mixture. The time of mixture will […]
What is more intimidating than a pure white canvas? Martha pondered in her drawing room as her fingertips tingled in excitement to add color and life to the dead white void in front of her. An entire world lay on the other side. “Are ye’ lost, young lady?” Seamus asked the woman who for the […]
One of the great privileges and joys in my role as president of Bethlehem College & Seminary is the many opportunities I have to interact with so many like-minded, God-honoring people—students, faculty and staff, alumni, and donors among them. In all of these interactions, my aim is to encourage them in their walk with the […]
In failing health I played a whim and moved midwest to God, too hobbled with my youth and shame, flushed green with faith I had not proved, to heave my heart from where I stood to truth. I struck a bestial slouching stride as best I could to sling my joints toward the sun, as […]
The gowns of displeasured priests cascade shapelessly in rows before the peasant poor, encircled now to witness history arrive at the indictment of a perfect man. The anticipation is timeless, of course—a fine inheritance for a fool. Witnesses are occasioned, assessed. In Christ’s thoughts, Adam is naming the birds—his new wife off unknowingly carrying to […]
Last Sunday, the church where I serve as one of the pastors started our journey through the letter to the Hebrews. It is hard to deny that any of God’s Word is pertinent for any hour, but it seems like Hebrews is tailor-made for such a time as this. Why might that sentiment seem right? […]