Author Archives: Leah Bruneau

Commencing Into Ministry

Bethlehem College & Seminary’s 8th annual commencement will be held in just two weeks.  It’s a profound and worshipful service that is such a significant marker for all of us involved.  For the students, of course, it marks not only the end of their studies at our school and a celebratory moment recognizing the accomplishment […]

Reaching the Marginalized

It is easy to remain in the safety of our community. Without any intentional effort, most of us will associate with people who are like us. It’s natural. It’s the way the world works. Despite our society’s emphasis on diversity and inclusion, it is abnormal for the majority culture to relationally engage those on the […]

Theologians on the Christian Life Media

    Why Read Biography | John Piper and Justin Taylor Interview   C.S. Lewis | Joe Rigney   Edwards | Dane Ortlund   Bonhoeffer | Stephen Nichols   Lloyd-Jones | Jason Meyer   Spurgeon | Michael Reeves   Newton | Tony Reinke Packer | Sam Storms  

Envisioning the Future

“Everyone is driven by his view of scripture.” That’s what John MacArthur said when he recently met with the Board of Trustees of Bethlehem College and Seminary on a two day vision retreat. He added, “In scripture God means one thing, and it’s up to us to figure out what that is.” He quoted John […]

Speaking and Serving in Africa’s Horn

Crunched into a small van without suspension, we sped across the east African countryside, slowing only to swerve around cattle and rock piles. Cultural rock music blared in our ears, and a dust cloud settled in our wake upon mud-walled huts, colorfully dressed children, and donkey-drawn carts. This was our last taste of rural Africa […]

On the Happiness of Theology

In the household and the university, theology can seem to be a rather boring intellectual discipline in comparison to mathematics, art, medicine, or have your pick. But here at Bethlehem College & Seminary, we see theology as a happy discipline and fuel for the Christian’s happiness in God. Why is this so? Much of the […]

This Great Act of Grace

Easter is the most profound, earth-shaking, life-transforming, holiday of them all.  If we can look past the secular trappings of bunnies, colored eggs, and candy, we will see that what this day commemorates is the most pivotal event in all of history.  Even more than Christmas, marking the incarnation of the Son of God, Easter […]

Resting in Christ

Draw my soul to Thee, my Lord Make me love Thy precious Word. Bid me seek Thy smiling face willing to be saved by grace. Dearest Jesus, bid me come; Let me find Thyself, my home. Thou the refuge of my soul, Where I may my troubles roll. Lord, Thy powerful work begun Thou will […]

Husbands, Love Yourselves

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church …” Ephesians 5:25–31 Husbands, how many times have you read this passage or listened to a minister preach it at a wedding? Probably more than you can remember. From this passage, if I asked you what the command “Husbands, love your wives” practically might look like, what would […]

Continuing to Walk in Truth

One of the responsibilities of being president of Bethlehem College & Seminary is to represent the school at conferences and meetings that are strategic for us.  And, as I participate in those activities, I make it a priority to visit with contributors and alums who live in those various places.  This is a source of […]