Blog Archives

Gain What You Cannot Lose

As we wrap up this special series of prayer letters focused on 2 Corinthians 8–9, I trust it has become clear that generosity and giving, as a critical part of the Christian life, are keys to our delight and joy in this life. That is, we derive great joy from giving generously to those in need…

Pure Pleasure DVD & Study Guide

Bethlehem College & Seminary Press is multiplying their spreading with the launch of their new product, Pure Pleasure: Fighting Pleasure with Pleasure in the Battle for Sexual Purity, a six-session seminar DVD that includes a study guide to lead groups through the content.

Thanks Be to God!

This year I had the privilege to write a study guide that accompanies video teaching from D.A. Carson and the second edition of his important book, Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual ReformationContinue to read

How Bethlehem College & Seminary Is Funded

Bethlehem College & Seminary receives no funding or grants from either the U.S. government or the State of Minnesota. The school also receives no direct cash support from Bethlehem Baptist Church or desiringGod Ministries. Operations are sustained by the intentionally low tuition payments required of students, small proceeds from the Bethlehem Bookstore and Bethlehem Press, […]

The Worth of This Training

I have just finished teaching my 13-week class on the Greek exegesis of Philippians. Continue to read …

Update from the Chairman of the Board

Last Thursday the Bethlehem College & Seminary board met for six hours. Continue to read

Announcing a New Partnership with The Worship Initiative

Bethlehem College & Seminary is thrilled to announce our partnership with The Worship Initiative, a new online resource from Shane & Shane designed to empower and train musicians, songwriters, and worship leaders.

Not Spam. Just Superfluous.

After little more than 60 days into my new role as Vice President of Advancement (i.e., “fundraising”) at Bethlehem College & Seminary, I traveled to Knoxville, Tennessee. Continue to read

Serious Joy Newsletter: 2014 No. 1

We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest newsletter—in a greatly expanded format—called Serious Joy. Find out what is happening at Bethlehem College & Seminary.

The Gift of Earnestness

As we continue to walk through 2 Corinthians 8 & 9 in our prayer letters, I am especially struck by what Paul says about his colleague, Titus. Continue to read