Blog Archives

A Significant Decision

As the escalation of the cultural and political debate around us continues, the significance of even just one person—one president, one Supreme Court justice, or one governor—becomes clearer. A single person in any of these positions can have enough influence to shape a culture—for better or for worse.

The Grave Cannot Hold Our Savior

This is always an exciting time of the year. The snow has melted, the birds are chirping, and Spring has finally come. For us in Minnesota, the temperature is above freezing and the extended sunlight (thank you daylight saving time!) is encouraging us to venture out of our homes (aka our hibernation tanks) to enjoy the outdoors.

Growing Hearts

“From every tribe, from every nation… a great multitude, standing before the throne of the Lamb, clothed in white robes…. And He who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence. They shall hunger no more…. The sun shall not strike them…. For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd and he will guide them to the spring of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes” (Rev 7:9, 15–17).

A Beautiful Exchange

Joshua 10 is an amazing chapter of Scripture. It’s most well-known for being the chapter in which “the sun stands still.” This stellar miracle is not to be overlooked, yet, when I recently read this chapter, something else caught my eye.

A People Centered on Christ

At Bethlehem College & Seminary, we are a personality cult, meaning that we are a people centered on the worship of a person: no, not the chancellor, not the president, and certainly not the chairman of the board. …

Faith Founded on Fact

If you’re a sports fan, you’ve likely heard the phrase, “the best offense is a good defense.” The meaning of that phrase is, of course, that, if you’re really good at defense, you’ll have a chance to win every game by outlasting your opponents.

From the Chancellor

  There are two passages in the Gospel of John that embody two characteristic of Bethlehem College & Seminary. I love them. I believe in them. I pursue them. And I rejoice that the faculty are committed to building them into the students. I’ll read the two passages before I name the two characteristics so […]

Sins: Uncovered or Covered

I had the sobering opportunity to memorize Psalm 32 recently. Oh the depths of iniquity. Oh the deception and attachment of sin, like worms that fasten onto us and creep inside, unseen, destroying our flesh.

The Giftedness of the Giver of Gifts

When we hear that oft-repeated “body and members” sermon, we cannot help but be encouraged to know that we all have a place and a role in the work of the church. Christians had this diversity training thing down 2,000 years before it became all the rage in organizational psychology.

Think It Not Strange: Fiery Trials and the Testimony of Christ

John Piper

January 25, 2016