Category Archives: Pages

Richard A. Shenk, Ph.D.

B.S., Wheaton College (Physics)

M.Div., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Ph.D., University of Wales, Lampeter (Systematic Theology)

Brian Hanson, Ph.D.

B.Mus., Bob Jones University (Piano Performance)

M.Mus., Bob Jones University (Piano Performance)

M.A., Bob Jones University (Theology)

M.Div., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Ph.D., University of St. Andrews (History/Reformation Studies)

One Church Planter’s Journey in Learning from the Poor

The homeless man who changed my life Who would have thought that a chance encounter with a homeless man at a local Starbucks would change the trajectory of our church and of my family forever? It was a Tuesday morning, and the man’s name was Delbert. I saw him standing there and asked if he […]

Passing Our Theology to Our Kids

As an average Christian parent, with more screw ups than I dare mention, the words “Who am I kidding?” quickly swirl around in my mind when I consider the task of passing a Christ centered theological heritage on to my kids. Then once I start remembering how many family devotions I’ve skipped or forgotten, it […]

Giving God the First Word

The pattern of Revelation and Response encapsulates how God relates to us as human beings. We would have no accurate idea about God without His self-revelation: witness the fanciful and grotesque images and imaginings about God that other religions have come up with. By His grace, God has condescended to reach into human history to […]

Chuck Steddom, D.M.A.

B.A., Wheaton College

M.A., St. Cloud State

D.M.A., University of Iowa

Kenny Stokes, M.Div.

B.A., Bethel University

M.Div., Bethel University

Helping Others Walk Free From Shame

It is one thing to know for yourself the weight of shame and to seek to walk free of its burden. There is tremendous courage required to name shame for what it is and identify its place in the story of your life and heart. The journey away from shame is always a lonely road, […]

John Piper, Chancellor

John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For over 30 years, he served as senior pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He grew up in Greenville, South Carolina, and studied at Wheaton College, Fuller Theological Seminary, and the University of Munich (D.Theol.). For six years, he […]

Brian Tabb, Ph.D.

B.A., Wheaton College (Psychology, minor in Bible/Theology)

M.A., Wheaton College Graduate School (Biblical Exegesis)

M.A., Bethlehem College & Seminary (Biblical and Pastoral Studies)

M.Th., Luther Theological Seminary (New Testament)

Ph.D., London School of Theology (New Testament)