Blog Archives

Look at the Sacred Book

In conjunction with the Fall Preview Day and Inauguration of Dr. Joseph James Rigney  Join us on September 25th for a special mini-Bible conference that takes a “Look at the Sacred Book.” On Saturday morning, members of the Bethlehem faculty, including Dr. Andy Naselli, Dr. Joe Rigney, and others, will talk about why we love […]

Fall Preview Day 2021

In conjunction with Look at the Sacred Book Join us for our Fall Preview Day at Bethlehem College & Seminary on Friday, September 24. Our aim is to help you taste and see what it looks like to be a student at our school, so that you might discern God’s plan for your future educational journey. On Friday […]

Spring Preview Day 2022

Join us for our Spring Preview Day on Friday, April 1 to see what it looks like to study Great Books in light of the Greatest Book for the sake of the Great Commission. Our aim is to help you taste and see what it looks like to be a student at our school, so that […]

The Master’s Builder

An Appreciation of Dr. Timothy C. Tomlinson Plan to join us for an evening of lifting praise to God for his supply of Dr. Timothy C. Tomlinson as the founding President of Bethlehem College & Seminary. Dr. Tomlinson’s 12-year tenure as the school’s leader comes to an end in June. Join us in remembering and celebrating the profound […]

Taste & See: Sampling an Education in Serious Joy

At Bethlehem College & Seminary we study the Great Books in light of the Greatest Book for the sake of the Great Commission. In this winter series, join Bethlehem professors as they offer a taste of a Bethlehem education. Whether you’re a prospective, incoming, or returning student, you won’t regret spending a few weeks reflecting […]

Introducing the Apostle’s Creed

FALL 2020 THEME UNCHANGING TRUTHS IN A CHANGING WORLD: MEDITATIONS ON THE APOSTLES’ CREED What shall we say as our city, our nation, and our world face unprecedented challenges amidst a global pandemic, social unrest, and political divisions? “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” The Fall 2020 chapel series […]

The Truth that Accords with Godliness

President Tim Tomlinson will share with us from Titus 1:1—3 FALL 2020 THEME UNCHANGING TRUTHS IN A CHANGING WORLD: MEDITATIONS ON THE APOSTLES’ CREED What shall we say as our city, our nation, and our world face unprecedented challenges amidst a global pandemic, social unrest, and political divisions? “God is our refuge and strength, a […]

Fall Preview Day 2020

Join us for our Fall Preview Day on Friday, October 9 to see what it looks like to study Great Books in light of the Greatest Book for the sake of the Great Commission. With a commitment to remain compliant with all public health and safety regulations, Bethlehem College & Seminary has resumed in-person class […]

Taste & See: Sampling an Education in Serious Joy

At Bethlehem College & Seminary we study the Great Books in light of the Greatest Book for the sake of the Great Commission. In this summer series, join Bethlehem professors as they offer a taste of a Bethlehem education. Whether you’re a prospective, incoming, or returning student, you won’t regret spending a few weeks reflecting […]

Reforming Journalism

POSTPONED This event has been postponed for the time being as a consequence of COVID-19 containment measures. We are in discussions with Dr. Olasky regarding rescheduling at some point in the future. Bethlehem College & Seminary Presents 2020 Commerce and Vocation Lecture MARVIN OLASKY Reforming Journalism Thursday, April 23 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Dr. Marvin Olasky is […]