

Bethlehem College and Seminary is a small, Christ-centered college and seminary affiliated with Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and The North Church in Mounds View, Minnesota. Bethlehem College and Seminary is a certified Best Christian Workplace 2023.

Please thoroughly review our Affirmation of Faith and Community Declaration before applying for a position. Glad-hearted agreement in writing with these documents is a requirement for employment at Bethlehem College and Seminary. In addition, membership at Bethlehem Baptist Church, The North Church, or a local Treasuring Christ Together church is required for all but very casual positions.

For faculty positions, please request official transcripts be sent to: jobs@bcsmn.edu (preferred), or the address listed below.

If you have further questions, please e-mail jobs@bcsmn.edu with the word “Question” in the subject line, or write to:

Human Resources
Bethlehem College and Seminary
720 13th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

There are no openings at this time.