Adjunct Instructor of Theology Jones Ndzi holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Dschang (2001), a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from the Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary (2007), a Master of Theology in New Testament (2013), and a Ph.D. in Biblical Theology (2018) from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. […]
Assistant Professor of Theology and Philosophy David Haines grew up in a Christian home in Ontario, Canada. After obtaining a B.Th. and serving on a team of pastors at a local Baptist church in Trois-Rivières, QC, David moved with his family to Charlotte, NC, to pursue an M.A. in Philosophy at Southern Evangelical Seminary. David […]
Associate Professor of Theology and Global Studies Jon Hoglund teaches classes in theology and global studies. He longs to see the global church empowered and equipped for making disciples and establishing healthy churches. He served for thirteen years training ministry leaders in Ukraine and Vietnam before coming to Bethlehem College & Seminary. Between those […]
Now, the Future: An Introduction to Eschatology attempts to acquaint students with the doctrine of the last things, especially as it concerns the relationship between the millennium and Christ’s Second Coming. Students will study four prominent millennial viewpoints (historic premillennialism, amillennialism, postmillennialism, and dispensational premillennialism) in an effort to clarify key interpretive issues and arrive […]
The Pleasures of God: God’s Delight in Being God is a course that considers the worth and excellency of God through the lens of God’s pleasures. The curriculum simply investigates the biblical teaching on one pleasure of God in each lesson. Students will carefully examine the biblical text, thoughtfully interact with John Piper’s book, The Pleasures […]
God’s Mission and Christian Missions: God’s Global Glory and the Unfinished Task is a six-week course advancing the truth that God is on a mission to fill the earth with his glory through his redeemed people. The course will assert that ambassadors of Jesus Christ and his gospel should be sent to every people group, […]