Category Archives: Uncategorized

President Tomlinson Announces Retirement in Summer 2021

(Minneapolis) – – – Thursday, January 16, 2020 – – – Dr. Timothy Tomlinson announced today that he plans to retire as president of Bethlehem College & Seminary in the Summer of 2021, a move that initiates a formal search for his successor and stages a period of leadership transition. “There comes a time in […]

For the Sake of the Great Commission

THE BETHLEHEM COLLEGE EDUCATION SERIES   Global Discipleship The “Great Commission” at the end of Matthew’s Gospel is a mandate to disciple the nations, teaching each and every one of them to obey “all that Jesus commanded” (Matt 28:16-20). The Great Commission is more comprehensive than what many U.S. American evangelical Christians consider “world missions.” […]

My 37,000-Foot Spillover

I am writing this at about 37,000 feet above planet earth on a three-hour flight headed home from meeting our 14th grandchild. It is dark in the cabin. My heart is in the frame for serious joy. And it is a good time for letting my thankfulness spill over onto you. Thankfulness not only for […]

December 31, 2019, Un-Common Era

Both the year and the decade of the 2010s are coming to an end on Tuesday night. As with all New Year’s Eves, the countdown will be chanted, the ball will drop, the military-style clock will roll over to 00:01, and, well, in truth, just another day will begin as it does every other 24 […]

Languages: To Preserve the Gospel

THE BETHLEHEM COLLEGE EDUCATION SERIES Every college student at Bethlehem College & Seminary is required to learn Greek and either Hebrew or Latin. If they stick around for our M.A., they will get to study all three languages. This might make you wonder why we have such an emphasis on languages.  Some students come to […]

Philosophy: The Love of True Wisdom (Christ)

The Bethlehem College Education Series The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy that there were some in Ephesus who conducted studies that only “promote speculations rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith” (1 Tim 1:4). We do not know the exact content of what was being taught in Ephesus, but Paul claims here […]

Literature: Training in Ways of Being Human

The Bethlehem College Education Series The Great Books cannot save your soul. Only the Greatest Book (or rather, the Person revealed in the Greatest Book) can do that. Nevertheless, the Great Books still have great value in training us in ways of being human, in showing us who we are as individuals and as groups. […]

Christian Doctrine

The Bethlehem College Education Series The Christian doctrine courses at Bethlehem College & Seminary are central to undergraduate education not because they are, as “systematic theology,” the capstone or goal of each student’s course of study. Rather, these courses are important because it is here that we aim to form students’ habits of theological imagination. […]

Rejoice with Us Tonight!

Tonight, we celebrate the first ten years of Bethlehem College & Seminary’s history at our Decennial Convocation. This promises to be a wonderful time of worship, inspiration, and thanksgiving for the many mercies of the Lord that have been poured out on us in these beginning years. For those of you who live in the […]


NEWS RELEASE LEWIS GUEST, IV JOINS BETHLEHEM COLLEGE & SEMINARY FACULTY Urban Neighborhood Pastor-Scholar to Teach Bible and Theology (MINNEAPOLIS, MN) – – – November 1, 2019 – – – Bethlehem College & Seminary announced today that Lewis Guest, IV has joined the faculty as Instructor of Bible and Theology. “We have had the pleasure […]